Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Aedrees Ahmadi
Having a good attitude and a willingness to work are two of the most important facets of any apprentice. Showing up to the job and doing it with a smile isn’t always an easy task, but for Aedrees Ahmadi it is the thing he is known for.
Coming from an 18-year stint as an electrician in Germany, Aedrees has been able to transfer into American life and, more importantly, transfer those skills into a trade here in the states.
“I got very lucky to be able to do what I did in Germany here,” says Aedrees. “I worked in that field for a long time, but I am very happy to be going through the instruction here through the union. I’ve learned so much from my time at the JATC.”
Aedrees, now a fourth year apprentice, is an outstanding student in class and remains a stalwart learner regardless of how much experience he has in the field.
“He is someone you love to have in class,” says Brendan Nelson, fourth year instructor. “I have never in my life met anyone more grateful for the chance to be where he is, and he shows it every time he’s in class. Aedrees is one of those people that when he smiles it brightens up the whole room.”
Since his humble beginnings as a construction wireman, Aedrees has worked with Schetter Electric, and he is currently working at the Kaiser Morse hospital.
“It’s Aedrees’ attitude that really sets him apart,” says Christian Compton, a foreman with Schetter Electric and Aedrees’ current supervisor. “He does whatever it takes to get the job done. He is always happy to be at work and has a great attitude.”
When asked about how he views his apprenticeship, Aedrees’ cheerful expression changes to a serious one and he makes sure he is very clear on why he is here and what he is doing to make sure he gets the most out of his education.
“This is my life, this is how I define myself,” says Aedrees. “I take everything very seriously. Even my classes, sometimes I am afraid of how I will do because I take them seriously. I show up, I give my best. I realize how important it is to have a secured future. Working in the union gives me those things. And all I need to get them is to work.”
For his hard work, Aedrees will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools as well as congratulations from all the staff at the Sacramento JATC.