Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Todd Foster
When it comes to finding motivated apprentices in our trade, you never have to look very far. It is each and every apprentice’s duty to work hard, ask questions, and better themselves in the field by listening to and following the tutelage of their journeymen. Apprentices who remain curious and ask well thought-out, poignant questions are a gift to our ranks, and it is with that in mind we name January’s Apprentice of the Month, Todd Foster.
“I’m happier in my life now than when I was working at my previous job,” says Todd, now a third year. “This was a chance for me to start over, to get formal training on some very cool and interesting things. It’s one thing to watch a video on YouTube, it’s a whole other thing to learn it from a professional who has been in the field a long time.”
Todd made a name for himself from the outset as a caring, compassionate apprentice. Having a few years and a previous career behind him only further strengthened his ability to help his fellow classmates and to always make sure he was on track with all the curriculum at the JATC.
“Todd always seemed like he was one step ahead, which is a great thing to see in a student,” says Erin Gibbens, third-year instructor at the JATC. “He is a very applied person and very kind to those around him. He is very deserving of this award.”
“He was always motivated, always did his job and went beyond,” says Daryl Coker, a journeyman who had the chance to work with Todd early in Todd’s career. “He always had helpful input even as a first-year. I never had to worry about Todd.”
Through his time as a bartender and now an electrician, Todd has racked up some advice for newer apprentices coming in: don’t put off learning for later.
“Hone your skills now, don’t wait to get better,” says Todd. “Things that seem basic are things you’ll be doing your entire career. Take the opportunity to dig into the material, don’t skirt it off. Just humble yourself, ask questions, and go for it.”
For his hard work, Todd will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools and congratulations from the JATC and its staff.