JATC Assistant Training Coordinator Receives 30-Year Pin
Ken Irwin, the JATC’s Assistant Training Coordinator, has recently received his 30-year pin for his IBEW Union membership.
Ken, a 24-year JATC hand and former nuclear submarine electrician’s mate, began his career with the JATC after a heart attack on the jobsite made him want to spread awareness about CPR and first aid on the jobsite. Soon he was the first-year instructor and has now taught nearly every different year of the apprenticeship leading to his current role as assistant training coordinator.
“I like seeing the students grow from the instruction,” says Ken. “I’ve always had a lot of respect for the teachers I’ve had in my life and honestly this has been a career beyond anything I expected.”
The staff at the JATC extend to Ken a hearty congratulations and thanks for all his past and future years at the training center.