Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Gina White
When we think of a good apprentice, we usually imagine someone who is quick to grab a broom in slow times, someone who is always writing down directions, or someone who makes sure they ask questions about anything they don’t understand. What we rarely think of is an apprentice who creates poignant PowerPoints detailing the unemployment process for fellow students or creating a breakdown of health and welfare contributions for the Union.
When you think of these things, you should be thinking of Gina White, third year apprentice and an incredible boon to our ranks. In her first year she helped numerous apprentices go through the process of applying for EDD while in class—a necessity. As a third year, more recently, she spent her own time creating a breakdown of the current state of health and welfare contributions to show raw data that could be presented to the membership.
“I used to work as a medical biller, I know what a nightmare it can be to lose your healthcare,” says Gina, who has made the trip to Sacramento from her home in Chico to attend meetings in person multiple times. “I wanted to help in any way I could to provide some kind of visual aid to show a breakdown of hours per month. People need visual aids when you’re discussing numbers so everyone can make an informed decision.”
In addition to creating a breakdown of those numbers, Gina also helped her classmates in her first year by creating a PowerPoint that gave a step-by-step process of applying for unemployment.
“My instructor at the time mentioned how cool it would be if someone took screenshots as they went through the process of applying for EDD,” says Gina. “It’s kind of a pain in the butt. I wanted to help my classmates and future students get the money owed to them.”
While offering her aid to both her classmates and the Local, Gina is also no slouch on the jobsite.
“She’s doing exceptionally well,” says Larry Miller, Gina’s foreman and a Sierra Range Electric hand for six years. “She is a super-fast learner and she’s meticulous when it comes to making sure everything is done correctly the first time.”
On the topic of advice for future apprentices, Gina makes it clear on how to rise up and be a better listener. “Ask a lot of questions and repeat back what you heard. Let your journeyman know you understand what they’re asking of you and how you’re going to do it,” Gina says.
For her hard work, Gina will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools and congratulations from all the staff at the Sacramento JATC.