Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Daniel Vega
It’s not easy being a first year. All of a sudden you are thrown from whatever job you had before you were indentured into a construction career that you’re told is going to change your life and offer you all the opportunity in the world if you just focus. True as that may be, it can be daunting for many, challenging for many still. However, some people take to our industry like a duck to water. So it is with this month’s Apprentice of the Month, Daniel Vega, a now-second year who recently completed his first year of education.
“This apprenticeship means a lot to me,” says Daniel, who has been working with Conti Corporation at the downtown courthouse. “I wanted to get out and try something new and challenging for myself, something I could get into that I could learn for years and years to come. This is a trade you can keep learning for decades.”
Daniel has excelled not only in the field but also in the classroom where he maintains top grades in his class. Daniel can usually be seen either asking relevant questions in school or helping others around him. All this speaks to Daniel’s quality as a student and as a person.
“I am so happy he was picked for this accolade,” says Will McKee, first year teacher. “He is a super bright spot in class and I’m always happy to see his work ethic. Whether he’s bending pipe, wiring up a lighting board, or solving a combination circuit, Daniel applies all of himself. I can’t ask for more from a student and Daniel delivers in spades.”
When it comes to learning from journeymen in the field, Daniel has clearly made an impression on his coworkers and has made himself a valuable asset to his crew.
“When we first started working together, he didn’t know much about what we were doing,” says Jason Prasad, a journeyman Daniel worked with. “But he was immediately asking questions and performing tasks up to a very high standard. It’s been a real pleasure to work with him and he’s the kind of apprentice you just want to invest in because he’s so on top of his work.”
Now a second year, Daniel has advice for those fresh on the new hire list and tips for how to be the best first year you possibly can be.
“Show up every day and give 110 percent no matter how you feel,” says Daniel. “More importantly, build relationships with those around you and your crew. At the end of the day, these are your brothers and sisters and we’re all here to grow and learn together.”
For his hard work, Daniel will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools and congratulations from all the staff at the Sacramento JATC.