Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Connor Davis
A word that may not be used often enough in reference to tradesmen is “grace.” There is an element to what we do as skilled labor that can only be described as grace, not just in the quality of the work we produce but about how we handle hardship and adversity on the jobsite. This month’s apprentice of the month is Connor Davis, a man who, by all accounts, engenders the term grace in every facet of his career.
“I’m just incredibly grateful for this apprenticeship. I’ve learned a lot and it’s changed my life,” says Connor, now a fifth year who just finished his cumulative performance test. “I’ve honestly learned how to grow up. Our journeymen can sometimes also be our mentors and I’ve been lucky enough to be paired with some incredible people who taught me so much and helped me learn how to take care of myself.”
“I was not expecting Connor to be the kind of quality man he was,” says Richard Rod, one of Connor’s journeymen. “His ability to use his patience and wits without being overwhelmed was genuinely astonishing. When things got bad on the job, he never let them get him down. He has all the potential to be an outstanding leader when he turns out.”
Connor has also consistently proven himself an active participant in class and always wants to understand where his in-class education will serve him in the field.
“Connor is extremely hardworking in the classroom and is respected by all of his peers,” says Brendan Nelson, fourth year instructor. “He always has a smile on his face and will always go the extra step to make sure he not only understands what he is learning but also how he can apply it to his career. More than that, I can’t really think of a more genuine person I’ve come across.”
Connor knows the importance of how you carry yourself in your work. When asked what advice he had for the apprentices still young in their indenture, he keeps his advice simple: have a good attitude.
“It’s the most important thing, in my opinion,” says Connor about keeping a positive attitude. “It opens you up to connecting with different journeymen. People are more willing to help and teach someone who shows interest and has a good attitude.”
For his hard work, Connor will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools and congratulations from all the staff at the Sacramento JATC.