Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Brian Schuette
When a first year apprentice comes in, you hope they understand the gravity of their apprenticeship. The hallowed seats they represent, the impact it has on a young life, all these things amount to a career filled with opportunity and pride in a person’s work. This month’s Milwaukee Apprentice is Brian Schuette, a second year who has risen far beyond expectations of his year and a stellar example of what it means to be an apprentice.
“I take this apprenticeship as seriously as I can,” says Brian, now working for Allen Electric. “I try to learn something new every single day. If I have questions, I ask my journeyman. It’s really important you be a self-starter and I’ve always tried to do that in my career.”
Brian has multiple times received accolades from his coworkers and from his instructors. Whether he is in the field or in class, Brian consistently delivers quality products that far exceed basic expectations, raising the bar for all around him.
“I mean, the guy is producing better work than some long-time journeymen I’ve seen,” says Connor Haussler, a journeyman who has been working with Brian for half a year. “He is always the first one on the job site and his performance is literally second to none.”
“Brian was an incredibly bright spot in the classroom,” says Will McKee, first year instructor. “Every task put to him, every concept we covered in class, he was not only able to internalize and learn but was also able to help his classmates if they were struggling. That’s always a sign of an incredibly promising journeyman.”
For his hard work, Brian will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools and congratulations from all the staff at the Sacramento JATC.