Milwaukee Tools Apprentice of The Month - Ron Canady
An IBEW apprentice must always remain motivated, eager to learn, and work diligently. There are many other attributes that make for an accomplished apprentice, but few are as incalculable as the ability to be a pleasure to work around and with. This month’s Milwaukee Tools apprentice of the month, Ron Canady, exemplifies the best qualities of such an apprentice.
“Once I had my son, I knew it was time for a career,” says Ron about why he pursued a career in the trades. “I worked at a non-Union shop for a little bit but decided to move to the Union as a CW. I got involved with the IBEW 340 softball team and some of the other brothers got me to apply for the apprenticeship.”
Now in his fourth year, Ron is studying electric vehicle charging and motor controls in the classroom. His ability to work hard on his studies and also to make the best out of things makes him stand out amongst his peers.
“Ron is one of the students who has volunteered for anything we’re doing outreach for and he’s great in class,” says Brendan Nelson, 4th year instructor. “Since Ron has been in the Union, he has been active. He has a great attitude, such a great attitude. What sort of sums up Ron is one time it hailed and we all went outside only to find Ron making snow angels in the hail.”
Ron has been a persistent presence at any volunteer opportunity and will in fact soon be representing the JATC at a career fair in Galt. He has always been eager to volunteer his time and voice for numerous events and causes within the Union.
“When COVID hit, the volunteer stuff kind of stopped for a bit,” says Ron. “I always volunteer for anything I can. Whether it’s the crab feed, the softball team, phone banks, or walking door-to-door, I’m there.”
“He always has a positive attitude,” says Zongmong Vue, Ron’s foreman and a Rosendin hand for nearly two years. “Everyone likes to work with him and alongside him. He knows how to get the job done.”
“Take pride in your work,” says Ron. “Do your job like you would want someone doing it in your home. We’re supposed to be the best of the best; our work should reflect that. Never say can’t; figure out a way or ask your journeyman.”
For his hard work, Ron will receive a PACKOUT bag and hand tool from Milwaukee Tools and congratulations from all the staff at the Sacramento JATC.